
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Personal Software Inspector 3 Full 2012 Free Download

Personal Software Inspector PSI is a FREE security tool designed to detect vulnerable and out-dated programs and plug-ins which expose your PC to attacks. 
Attacks exploiting vulnerable programs and plug-ins are rarely blocked by traditional anti-virus and are therefore increasingly "popular" among criminals. 
The only solution to block these kind of attacks is to apply security updates, commonly referred to as patches. 
Patches are offered free-of-charge by most software vendors, however, finding all these patches is a tedious and time consuming task. 
Personal Software Inspector PSI automates this and alerts you when your programs and plug-ins require updating to stay secure.

Personal Software Inspector
 Secunia Personal Software Inspector | 3.0 MB

Personal Software Inspector PSI 3.0 Full Release Features
Simple User Interface
Dramatically simplified user interface displays the key information that users need to know: scan results, the security status of installed software, and when these programs are up-to-date.

Automatic Patching
With the
Personal Software Inspector PSI 3.0, users receive automatic updates for all software supported by the application. Previously Secunia only provided automatic updates for vendors that made automatic updates available.

Personal Software Inspector PSI 3.0 can be installed in any one of five languages including French, Spanish, German, Danish and English.

Program Ignore Rules
Users have the ability to ignore updates to a particular program by creating ignore rules. 
This can, for example, be relevant if a user has an application that depends on an older version of another program or plug-in. 
Users may reverse this selection at any time. Users also have the ability to view the file location and version number of an installed program.
Reports about the updates installed and scans conducted can be accessed at any time through the history feature.

A new share link allows users to post a link on Facebook or Twitter feeds, making it easy for friends to try out the Personal Software Inspector PSI 3.0.

The settings menu allows users to select whether or not to install updates automatically, and which drives are to be scanned.